Welcome to Lakeside Church We are not just a church, we are a Family!! Blessed * Challenged * Changed
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Blessed * Challenged * Changed
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Young at Heart

     If you are over age 50, or turning 30 for the 8th time, 
     join our Young at Heart group for Fellowship, Prayer, and
     Support.  This Group will bring encouragement to your life
     regardless of what stage you are in.  
     Young at Heart allows you to showcase the Glory of God and
     share how the Lord has impacted your personal journey of life.
     The Group sponsors regular outings to local plays or productions
     depicting Biblical stories or events.  
Philippians 4:11 -  Not that I speak in respect of want:  
for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.